

     Technical Support:  Call 913-685-2700 or

     Gallery Artists:   If you are interested in having your WaveFilter images included in the WaveFilter Gallery, send us an e-mail that includes a URL address where we might view samples. Space is limited.

UP Logo

“Creative Minds
Developing Innovative
Tools for 3D Artists”

     Web Links:  Interested in having a link to your 3D related website included in the WaveFilter site, send us an e-mail that includes your website’s URL address.  Space is limited.

     Dealers:  We are always looking for good companies that would like to represent our products. If you are interested in carrying a WaveFilter product or want more information on quantity discounts, see the Quantity Discount Chart, call  913-685-2700 or e-mail dealers@wavefilter.com

     3D Plug-in Developers:  We’re looking for WaveFilter Guys! Are you a 3D tools developer? If you are interested in being a part of the WaveFilter collection of 3D plug-ins, call 913-685-2700 or e-mail developers@wavefilter.com

Unlimited Potential, Inc. and WaveFilter and their logos are trademarks of Unlimited Potential, Inc. All other products are the property of their respective companies. Specifications and pricing subject to change without notice. Violators of the agreed to license agreement will be prosecuted.  © 1995-98 Unlimited Potential, Inc. All rights reserved.